Truora Blog

Customer due diligence: what it is and why it's important in Mexico

Written by Belén Pérez Santillana | Feb 21, 2024 9:09:08 PM


The world of business and finance relies on making strategic decisions, and Customer Due Diligence (CDD) is a guarantee that enhances assertiveness. In this post, I'll tell you what it is and why it's so important in today's Mexican landscape! 

Customer Due Diligence (CDD) is a fundamental resource for anticipating and mitigating risks because it helps you thoroughly understand your customers and also plays a crucial role in regulatory compliance.

In a market where security plays a crucial role and regulations are constantly evolving, being certain that you are doing business with who the user really claims to be is key to avoiding problems that could harm your image or profitability.

Within this context, CDD presents itself as an infallible guide, allowing your company to verify the identity and history of your users while simultaneously complying with current regulations.

What is Customer Due Diligence? It's about staying one step ahead to dismantle fraud and adapt to regulatory changes that could impact your operation.

Today I'll talk about anticipating, mitigating risks, and maintaining integrity in a market that demands transparency. In this post, you'll see:

  • What Customer Due Diligence is
  • Why it's so important
  • How CDD positively impacts Mexican companies
  • What its steps are
  • Why automate CDD
  • Truora, your strategic partner for implementing CDD

What is Customer Due Diligence?

Customer Due Diligence (CDD) is the process in which you conduct a thorough investigation of your potential or existing customers so that you can assess the best decisions regarding them.

Its main objectives are:

  • Preventing legal and financial risks by thoroughly analyzing the integrity, financial history, and operations of your customers. 
  • Ensuring regulatory compliance by identifying and preventing potential threats and building strong business relationships.

Why it´s so important?

Without a doubt, its importance lies in the degree of security it provides for making decisions and conducting business. In the digital access universe we live in, it's essential to have resources that allow us to filter a large volume of information..

That characteristic, which presents itself as an excellent opportunity, is also the main vulnerability through which cybercriminals can find loopholes to carry out their fraudulent actions.

CDD is a strategic and thorough process that allows you to control this problem from the beginning through a comprehensive investigation of your leads and customers, giving you a complete and accurate view of each of them.

This deep understanding allows you to:

  • Identify potential business difficulties;
  • Evaluate your customer's financial health, credit history, and operational stability;
  • Guarantee that every step is aligned with current regulations — from verifying the legality of transactions to assessing compliance with tax regulations — giving you the confidence that your company operates within legal boundaries.

This proactive approach avoids fines, sanctions, and builds a reputation of integrity and trust. CDD is the strategic pillar for preventing risks, complying with regulations, and making informed and strategic decisions.

How CDD positively impacts Mexican companies?

Now let's dive into how this strategic practice translates into concrete positive impacts for companies in the dynamic Mexican scenario.

Catalyzes financial stability

CDD builds a solid foundation for your company to meticulously assess the financial strength of customers, preventing potential financial problems from turning into crises.

This avoids significant financial losses and puts your company in a proactive position to address areas of improvement in financial management, boosting your financial health.

Saves time and money by mitigating legal risks

Legal risk management is a critical task. By examining the legality of transactions, contracts, and business agreements, CDD allows companies to avoid harmful legal situations.

This minimizes exposure to litigation and penalties and builds a reputation for integrity and transparency as a guardian ensuring that every move aligns with current laws and regulations.

Builds strong relationships

CDD helps you build solid and lasting business relationships because the atmosphere of transparency and honesty generates trust among the parties involved.

By adopting CDD, you demonstrate a commitment to integrity and establish a standard of professionalism that attracts clients and strengthens long-term business partnerships and collaboration.

What are its steps?

Next, I'll tell you about the common steps in the customer due diligence process:

1. Customer information gathering

Obtaining basic customer data such as name, address, contact information, and business details.

2. Customer identity verification

Confirming the customer's identity through official documents such as passports, national IDs, company incorporation certificates, and the Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) in the case of individuals.

Verifying the CURP provides a unique identifier assigned by Mexican authorities, strengthening the Customer Due Diligence process by adding an additional level of precision in customer identification.

3. Risk assessment

Analyzing the level of risk associated with the customer, considering the industry in which they operate, their credit history, and financial situation in the Mexican and international context.

4. Legal background check

Investigating the customer's potential legal background in Mexico and abroad, including past litigation, legal sanctions, or any legal activity that may impact the business relationship.

5. Regulatory compliance

Verifying that the customer complies with all applicable laws and regulations in Mexico, considering the country's specific regulations and also accessing international databases.

6. Customer reputation evaluation

Researching the customer's reputation and position in the industry, taking into account feedback from previous customers and the overall perception.

7. Corporate structure analysis

Understanding the customer's corporate structure, including shareholders, subsidiaries, and relevant business relationships.

8. Financial transaction review

Analyzing the customer's financial transactions to identify possible irregularities or unusual patterns.

9. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Financing of Terrorism (CFT) policy evaluation

Verifying that the customer complies with Mexican policies and regulations against money laundering and terrorism financing.

10. Documentation and record-keeping

Maintaining detailed records of all stages of the due diligence process, including collected documentation and decisions made, in accordance with Mexican regulations.

As you can see, it's a very detailed process that provides maximum security but also presents you with a challenge: how to conduct CDD for a large volume of users in real-time without impacting the customer experience? Keep reading as I explain it below.

Why automate CDD?

Because it's the most efficient way to implement CDD with fewer chances of human errors.

Real-time verification

Advanced technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence and data analysis, allow you to conduct real-time background checks, financial analysis, and risk assessment quickly and accurately.

This speeds up the process and improves the accuracy and depth of the evaluation, allowing you to make informed decisions more quickly.

Integration with existing systems

Chances are you already use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, so you should look for a solution that can integrate with it, allowing you to conduct CDD checks directly from the existing platform.

This way, the CDD process becomes a natural extension of everyday operations, avoiding disruptions, friction in the customer experience, and improving operational efficiency.

This integration simplifies the workflow, reduces duplicated efforts, and ensures smooth implementation of CDD.

Adapting to regulations

The legal framework is dynamic, so it's essential that CDD implementation is flexible and adaptable. Therefore, you need a tool that updates automatically to ensure that you are always up to date in terms of regulatory compliance.

This involves automatically modifying algorithms and procedures, ensuring that your company continues to comply with regulations without interruptions.

This adaptability is essential to avoid penalties and maintain your reputation for integrity.

Saving time and reducing human errors

The good thing about automation is that it offers solutions that save time and reduce manual workload.

It's not possible for a human to conduct a large number of customer background checks in a short period; they won't be able to speed up the process and are likely prone to making errors.

By automating tasks such as background checks and risk assessment, you can allocate your human resources to more strategic activities and be assured that unpleasant surprises won't occur.

Truora, your strategic partner for implementing CDD

In conclusion, the efficient implementation of Customer Due Diligence is essential for business success in Mexico.

And Truora is your strategic partner; as our commitment is to make cutting-edge technology accessible to your operation. Check out how Truora validates and incorporates clients, ensuring security and compliance with financial industry regulations.

Don't wait any longer, take advantage of our free trial, implement CDD today, and make it a competitive advantage.