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WhatsApp Marketing: examples, advantages, and most popular success stories

Written by Laura Anzola | Mar 22, 2024 8:29:54 PM

WhatsApp Marketing is a crucial element of marketing that has redefined the way businesses interact with their customer base. In this article, I discuss its key advantages and examine some examples of successful case studies.

WhatsApp demonstrated its great efficiency when used in its Business mode for marketing and sales. Companies worldwide leverage it to establish stronger and more meaningful connections with their customers.

From hotel chains using it to confirm bookings and offer personalized assistance to local small businesses receiving orders and resolving inquiries quickly and efficiently.

Successful examples abound and vary. This is due to its three inherent advantages that make it ideal:

  • Immediacy: faster and more responsive customer service.
  • Personalization: more relevance and effectiveness in communication.
  • Cost-effectiveness: fits into the budget of companies of all sizes.

To these benefits you can add all the integration possibilities and the creativity of your teams to make the most of this fascinating tool. That's what I'll talk about today, WhatsApp Marketing, and successful examples of its use. 

In this post, you'll see:

  • Why companies choose WhatsApp for marketing
  • 7 reasons to use WhatsApp Marketing.
  • Successful examples of WhatsApp Marketing usage.Ejemplos de Éxito en el Uso de WhatsApp Marketing
    • Accor - simple and awesome
    • WhatsApp Toks - without intermediaries 
    • Whatscook - useful and timely
    • Toyota - #tbt Valentine's Day
    • Banco Bolivariano - efficiency in banking
  • WhatsApp at the service of your marketing

Why Companies Choose WhatsApp for Marketing? 

The answer to this question is relatively simple: when there's a disruption in procedures and a novelty is installed, it's because of the results.

WhatsApp, more than any other tool, managed to capture the contemporaneity of a market that demands direct and meaningful connections.

Customers want attention in its broadest sense, not just to be attended to in a general way, but to have attention paid to their particular problem. Traditional media have become insufficient because they can be invasive, inadequate, or untimely.

A special connection with your brand:

Direct and personalized communication between companies and their customers translates into greater closeness to the brand, as customers perceive a more personalized treatment and faster attention to their needs and inquiries.

  • No intermediaries: chatbots with artificial intelligence solve problems simulating human attention.
  • Adaptability and flexibility: customers are also 24/7 and have their preferences and particular circumstances.
  • Transparency and trust: everyone trusts WhatsApp thanks to its cryptographic system.
  • Proactivity and anticipation: by collecting data, you can better orient and prevent.
  • Empathy: demonstrating understanding of customers' concerns and challenges is what strengthens the emotional connection with your brand.

The Era of Hyper-Personalization

Thanks to data capture and processing, you can be more precise when sending messages and increase relevance and timeliness, which are two key aspects for the success of marketing campaigns.

  • Advanced segmentation: segment your audience into groups based on demographic and behavioral data.
  • Tailored messages: adapt message content to the interests and needs of each customer.
  • Relevant offers: send offers that are of interest to each individual user, increasing the likelihood that they will interact with the message and respond positively.
  • Customer-centered communication: focus on the individual preferences of each customer.
  • Increased interaction: stimulate interaction from customers with messages that make them feel identified.

Cost-Effectiveness to Improve Customer Experience

We must consider that it is very easy to speak, but we cannot forget that constantly improving the customer experience can be costly.

That is another fundamental reason when opting for WhatsApp Marketing: it allows you to implement effective strategies to improve the customer experience without demanding an excessive budget.

Additionally, if you need help implementing your WhatsApp Marketing strategies, there are already specialized agencies that can provide you with personalized services and expert guidance, so you can make the most of this powerful communication tool.

7 Reasons to Use WhatsApp Marketing

As I mentioned earlier, WhatsApp marketing is imposed by its results. Therefore, I'll list the 7 main reasons why you should consider a WhatsApp marketing strategy.

1. Increase sales

Let's start with the main thing, it's all about increasing sales, that's why we invest efforts and resources.

  • Responding quickly to customer inquiries, solving problems and offering real-time assistance closes more sales and captures more leads.

2. Expands your customer base:

A special connection with your target audience increases opportunities to acquire new customers.

  • By tailoring your messages to the individual interests and preferences of each segment, you will attract a broader and more diverse audience, thus expanding your customer base.

3. Retains more customers

We all know that acquiring a customer is much more expensive than retaining them, which is why loyalty strategies are so important.

  • Quick and personalized communication creates a positive experience for your customers, increasing their loyalty.

4. Reduces Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

But acquiring customers is also important and, as we already said, this has a cost.

  • By reaching your leads directly and personally, you reduce costs associated with campaigns and strategies to lead them through the sales funnel.

5. Increases Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Acquisition + retention = increased CLV.

  • Facilitate repurchase using captured data and providing a positive and satisfactory service.

6. Improves cost-effectiveness:

WhatsApp Marketing is a highly cost-effective option compared to other traditional marketing channels.

  • Maximize the return on your marketing investment and reduce overhead costs.

7. Increases operational efficiency

And your team? How much do you spend to keep it operational?

  • Streamline internal processes and improve operational efficiency by reducing workload and optimizing time and resources.

Successful Examples in WhatsApp Marketing Usage

And finally, here are some success stories of companies that successfully integrated WhatsApp into their marketing strategies, leveraging its advantages to improve communication with their customers and increase brand engagement and loyalty.

Accor - Simple and Awesome

Innovative, simple and very cheap ideas, such as providing a direct WhatsApp number along with your room key for guest service. It's the power of imagination and technology working together.

This chain of hotels from Accor in the UK and Ireland understood it very well.

WhatsApp Toks - Without Intermediaries

"Toks direct to your home" is an innovative initiative by the renowned Mexican brand Toks, which leverages the WhatsApp platform to offer home delivery services, quickly and easily.

Direct and personalized interaction, avoiding dependence on third-party delivery platforms and offering a more personalized shopping experience.

Whatscook - Useful and Timely

Whatscook, a food delivery company, integrated WhatsApp into its marketing strategy to receive orders and provide status updates to its customers.

But it went beyond that in its customization and understanding of customer pain; it launched a campaign where, by sending a photo of the inside of your refrigerator, it gave you advice on what to cook.

This is about understanding utility and how to solve a customer's problem, directly through WhatsApp.

Toyota - #tbt Valentine's Day

A decade ago, Toyota didn't just send service reminders and special offers to its customers. It created a campaign for Valentine's Day offering an AYGO 70 3p x-play in x-white to the most romantic WhatsApp message.

The result was a record engagement and interaction, as well as virality on social media and news outlets.

Banco Bolivariano - Efficiency in Banking

El Banco Bolivariano, a leading financial institution in Ecuador and a pioneer in online banking in the country, stands out for offering comprehensive financial services to corporate and personal clients via WhatsApp using artificial intelligence.

This assistant offers customers the possibility to carry out banking transactions efficiently, and the results obtained are impressive:

  • 98% of all inquiries handled solely through WhatsApp.
  • 56% of additional credit card services purchased through WhatsApp.
  • 46% decrease in call volumes to the customer service center attributable to WhatsApp.
  • 70% of customers prefer WhatsApp over other digital channels. (Source: Meta)

WhatsApp at Your Marketing Service

As you can see, technology makes it increasingly easier for us to improve the customer experience, provide personalized attention, and generate creative and direct marketing campaigns.

That's why you need to know about Customer Engagement by Truora, state-of-the-art technology to put WhatsApp at the service of your marketing strategies.

Take your free trial today and experience creating a special connection with each of your customers.